

Universal Guides And Finiteness And Symmetry Of Grammar Processing Algorithms

14 years 4 months ago
Universal Guides And Finiteness And Symmetry Of Grammar Processing Algorithms
This paper presents a novel technique called "universal guides" which explores inherent properties of logic grammars (changing variable binding status) in order to characterize tbrmal criteria for termination in a derivation process. The notion of universal guides also offers a new framework in which both parsing and generation can be viewed merely as two different instances of the same generic process: guide consumption. This technique generalizes and exemplifies a new and original use of an existing concept of "proper guides" recently proposed in literature for controlling top-down left-to-right (TDLR) execution in logic progrmns. We show that universal guides are independent of a particular grammar evaluation strategy. Also, unlike proper guides they can be specified in the same mmmer for any given algorithm without knowing in advance whether the algorithm is a parsing or
Miroslav Martinovic
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Authors Miroslav Martinovic
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