

Universal real-time navigational assistance (URNA): an urban bluetooth beacon for the blind

15 years 4 days ago
Universal real-time navigational assistance (URNA): an urban bluetooth beacon for the blind
We describe a complete hardware/software system, dubbed Universal Real-Time Navigational Assistance (URNA), which enables communication of relevant location-aware information to a blind person carrying a Bluetooth-enabled cell phone. Although URNA can be used for a number of different applications (e.g., an information kiosk at a shopping mall or public transit information at a bus stop), we concentrate on the challenging case of an urban intersection. Information provided to the user as he or she approaches the intersection includes a description of the intersection topology and real-time notification of the state of the traffic lights. The main FPGAbased control board (NavCon) interfaces with a traffic controller and with the Bluetooth modules, which are each mounted atop the intersection's pedestrian heads (pedheads) the lights signaling a pedestrian when to `WALK' or `DON'T WALK'. The cell phone software (PedNav), written in Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), uses Te...
S. Bohonos, A. Lee, A. Malik, C. Thai, Roberto Man
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors S. Bohonos, A. Lee, A. Malik, C. Thai, Roberto Manduchi
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