

Universal synchronization scheme for distributed audio-video capture on heterogeneous computing platforms

14 years 7 months ago
Universal synchronization scheme for distributed audio-video capture on heterogeneous computing platforms
We propose a universal synchronization scheme for distributed audio-video capture on heterogeneous computing devices such as laptops, tablets, PDAs, cellular phones, audio recorders, and camcorders. These devices typically possess sensors such as microphones and possibly cameras. In order to combine them wirelessly into a distributed sensing and computing system, it is necessary to provide relative time synchronization among the distributed sensors. In this work we propose a setup and an algorithm that provide synchronization between sampling times for a network of distributed multi-channel audio sensors connected to general purpose computing (GPC) platforms. Extensive experimental results on distributed acoustic Blind Source Separation (BSS) algorithms validate the performance of our synchronization scheme. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.4 [Distributed Systems]: Distributed applications General Terms Algorithms, Measurement, Experimentation, Theory. Keywords Distributed audio...
Rainer Lienhart, Igor Kozintsev, Stefan Wehr
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where MM
Authors Rainer Lienhart, Igor Kozintsev, Stefan Wehr
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