In an oblivious transfer (OT) protocol, a Sender with messages M1, . . . , MN and a Receiver with indices 1, . . . , k [1, N] interact in such a way that at the end the Receiver obtains M1 , . . . , Mk without learning anything about the other messages and the Sender does not learn anything about 1, . . . , k. In an adaptive protocol, the Receiver may obtain Mi-1 before deciding on i. Efficient adaptive OT protocols are interesting both as a building block for secure multiparty computation and for enabling oblivious searches on medical and patent databases. Historically, adaptive OT protocols were analyzed with respect to a "half-simulation" definition which Naor and Pinkas showed to be flawed. In 2007, Camenisch, Neven, and shelat, and subsequent other works, demonstrated efficient adaptive protocols in the full-simulation model. These protocols, however, all use standard rewinding techniques in their proofs of security and thus are not universally composable. Recently, Pe...