

Unsupervised Evaluation Methods Based on Local Gray-Intensity Variances for Binarization of Historical Documents

14 years 3 months ago
Unsupervised Evaluation Methods Based on Local Gray-Intensity Variances for Binarization of Historical Documents
Abstract--We attempt to evaluate the efficacy of six unsupervised evaluation method to tune Sauvola's threshold in optical character recognition (OCR) applications. We propose local implementations of well-known measures based on grayintensity variances. Additionally, we derive four new measures from them using the unbiased variance estimator and grayintensity logarithms. In our experiment, we selected the well binarized images, according each measure, and computed the accuracy of the recognized text of each. The results show that the weighted and uniform variance (using logarithms) are suitable measures for OCR applications. 1
Marte Alejandro Ramírez-Ortegón, Raul Rojas
Added 03 Sep 2010
Updated 03 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ICPR
Authors Marte Alejandro Ramírez-Ortegón, Raul Rojas
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