

Unsupervised motion detection using a markovian temporal model with global spatial constraints

15 years 4 months ago
Unsupervised motion detection using a markovian temporal model with global spatial constraints
In this work, we propose an unsupervised Bayesian model for the detection of moving objects from dynamic scenes. This unsupervised solution is a three-step approach that uses a statistical model of an inter-frame gradient norm field (as likelihood model) with a local regularization term (as prior model) combined with strong intra-frame spatial constraints. In the first step, the spatial constraints are estimated by making an unsupervised Markovian spatial over-segmentation of two input frames. In the second step, the inter-frame gradient (derived from the input frames) is restored to minimize undesired noise. In the last step, an unsupervised Markovian temporal segmentation (with global spatial constraints) is performed to generate the desired motion label field. The Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation of the label field associated with the spatial segmentations (in the first step) and the motion label field (in the third step) is performed by a classical Iterative Conditional Mode ...
Pierre-Marc Jodoin, Max Mignotte
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICIP
Authors Pierre-Marc Jodoin, Max Mignotte
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