

An Update-Risk Based Approach to TTL Estimation in Web Caching

14 years 7 months ago
An Update-Risk Based Approach to TTL Estimation in Web Caching
Web caching is an important technique for accelerating web applications and reducing the load on the web server and the network through local cache accesses. As in the traditional data caching, web caching poses the wellrecognized problem of maintaining cache consistency. Web caching, however, has the leeway of delaying the refreshment of caches when the web server updates the original data, i.e., web caching tries to get better performance allowing tolerable inconsistency. This weak consistency requirement introduced the concept of time-to-live (TTL: the time during which the cached data item is expected to be valid) in the face of future updates. Subsequently, a number of methods have been invented to have the cache server estimate the TTL. However, the two well-known TTL estimation methods—the fixed TTL method and the heuristic method— do not allow intuitive understanding of the estimation processes and lack theoretical reasoning behind them, disallowing administrators from co...
Jeong-Joon Lee, Kyu-Young Whang, Byung Suk Lee, Ji
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where WISE
Authors Jeong-Joon Lee, Kyu-Young Whang, Byung Suk Lee, Ji-Woong Chang
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