

Uplink soft frequency reuse for self-coexistence of cognitive radio networks operating in white-space spectrum

12 years 5 months ago
Uplink soft frequency reuse for self-coexistence of cognitive radio networks operating in white-space spectrum
—Recent advances in cognitive radio (CR) technology have brought about a number of wireless standards that support opportunistic access to available white-space spectrum. Addressing the self-coexistence of CR networks in such an environment is very challenging, especially when coexisting networks operate in the same swath of spectrum with little or no direct coordination. In this paper, we study the problem of co-channel self-coexistence of uncoordinated CR networks that employ orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) in the uplink. We frame the self-coexistence problem as a non-cooperative game, and propose an uplink soft frequency reuse (USFR) technique to enable globally power-efficient and locally fair sharing of white-space spectrum. In each network, uplink resource allocation is decoupled into two subproblems: subchannel allocation (SCA) and transmit power control (TPC). We provide a unique optimal solution to the TPC subproblem, and present a low-complexity heuri...
Bo Gao, Jung-Min Park 0001, Yaling Yang
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Authors Bo Gao, Jung-Min Park 0001, Yaling Yang
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