

Usage Patterns in an Urban WiFi Network

13 years 9 months ago
Usage Patterns in an Urban WiFi Network
While WiFi was initially designed as a local-area access network, mesh networking technologies have led to increasingly expansive deployments of WiFi networks. In urban environments, the WiFi mesh frequently supplements a number of existing access technologies, including wired broadband networks, 3G cellular, and commercial WiFi hotspots. It is an open question what role city-wide WiFi deployments play in the increasingly diverse access network spectrum. We study the usage of the Google WiFi network deployed in Mountain View, California, and find that usage naturally falls into three classes, based almost entirely on client device type, which we divide into traditional laptop users, fixed-location access devices, and PDA-like smartphone devices. Moreover, each of these classes of use has significant geographic locality, following the distribution of residential, commercial, and transportation areas of the city. When comparing the network usage of each device class, we find a diverse se...
Mikhail Afanasyev, Tsuwei Chen, Geoffrey M. Voelke
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TON
Authors Mikhail Afanasyev, Tsuwei Chen, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Alex C. Snoeren
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