

The use of aesthetics in HCI systems

15 years 25 days ago
The use of aesthetics in HCI systems
As computing expands its domain from workplace to pervasive and domestic environments, interest in aesthetics for designing is increasing in HCI. HCI literatures in aesthetics provide wide variety of theoretical foundations for how aesthetics might be interpreted and potentially used for design. However, aesthetics in designing HCI systems have been mainly studied as a source for decoration or visualizing information. In this paper, we present our initial investigation on a qualitative study with an awareness information system prototype to explore what decorative arti can bring to HCI systems beyond decoration and/or effective communication. Keywords HCI, aesthetics, art, design, usability, ambiguity, user experience, interaction ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous.
Jina Huh, Mark S. Ackerman, Robert Douglas
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CHI
Authors Jina Huh, Mark S. Ackerman, Robert Douglas
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