

On the Use of the Formant Features in the Dynamic Time Warping Based Recognition of Isolated Words

14 years 3 months ago
On the Use of the Formant Features in the Dynamic Time Warping Based Recognition of Isolated Words
Abstract. A possibility to use the formant features (FF) in the user-dependent isolated word recognition has been investigated. The word recognition was performed using a dynamic time-warping technique. Several methods of the formant feature extraction were compared and a method based on the singular prediction polynomials has been proposed for the recognition of isolated words. Recognition performance of the proposed method was compared to that of the linear prediction coding (LPC) and LPC-derived cepstral features (LPCC). In total, 111 Lithuanian words were used in the recognition experiment. The recognition performance was evaluated at various noise levels. The experiments have shown that the formant features calculated from the singular prediction polynomials are more reliable than the LPC and LPCC features at all noise levels.
Antanas Lipeika, Joana Lipeikiene
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Antanas Lipeika, Joana Lipeikiene
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