Search engines are the primary gateways of information access on the Web today. Behind the scenes, search engines crawl the Web to populate a local indexed repository of Web pages, used to answer user search queries. In an aggregate sense, the Web is very dynamic, causing any repository of Web pages to become out of date over time, which in turn causes query answer quality to degrade. Given the considerable size, dynamicity, and degree of autonomy of the Web as a whole, it is not feasible for a search engine to maintain its repository exactly synchronized with the Web. In this paper we study how to schedule Web pages for selective (re)downloading into a search engine repository. The scheduling objective is to maximize the quality of the user experience for those who query the search engine. We begin with a quantitative characterization of the way in which the discrepancy between the content of the repository and the current content of the live Web impacts the quality of the user exper...