

Using the AgreementMaker to Align Ontologies for the OAEI Campaign 2007

14 years 8 months ago
Using the AgreementMaker to Align Ontologies for the OAEI Campaign 2007
In this paper, we present the AgreementMaker, an ontology alignment tool that incorporates the Descendants Similarity Inheritance (DSI) method. This method uses the structure of the ontology graphs for contextual information, thus providing the matching process with more semantics. We have tested our method on the ontologies included in the anatomy track of the OAEI 2007 campaign. 1 Presentation of the System In distributed database applications with heterogeneous classification schemes that describe related domains, an ontology-driven approach to data sharing and interoperability relies on the alignment of concepts across different ontologies. Once the alignment is established, agreements that encode a variety of mappings between the concepts of the aligned ontologies are derived. In this way, users can potentially query the concepts of a given ontology in terms of other ontologies. To enable scalability both in the size and the number of the ontologies involved, the alignment method...
William Sunna, Isabel F. Cruz
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors William Sunna, Isabel F. Cruz
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