

Using Autonomous Modular Material Handling Equipment for Manufacturing Flexibility

14 years 1 months ago
Using Autonomous Modular Material Handling Equipment for Manufacturing Flexibility
This paper describes a modular autonomous material handling equipment solution for flexible automation. Discrete Event Simulation is in this case used as a tool for shortening time spent in many different phases of a manufacturing systems lifecycle. The paper presents the concept of autonomous modular material handling equipment, and how simulation is used as a support tool and lead time reducer in each lifecycle phase. Furthermore, we describe the knowledge levels needed for using the simulation support and conclude with examples of how this methodology are reducing lead times within a company.
Björn Johansson, Edward J. Williams, Tord Ale
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSC
Authors Björn Johansson, Edward J. Williams, Tord Alenljung
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