

Using CBR for Semantic Analysis of Software Specifications

14 years 5 months ago
Using CBR for Semantic Analysis of Software Specifications
Abstract. Helping software designers in their task implies the development of tools with intelligent capabilities. One such capability is the integration of natural language understanding in CASE tools, thus improving the designer/tool communication. In this paper, we present a CBR approach for the generation of UML class diagrams from natural language text. This approach is implemented in a CASE tool, with the goal of helping the software designer create the first system model. We describe the natural language conversion module and give an overview of the tool in which it is integrated. Experimental results for retrieval and adaptation mechanisms are also presented.
Nuno Seco, Paulo Gomes, Francisco C. Pereira
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Nuno Seco, Paulo Gomes, Francisco C. Pereira
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