

Using Constrained Resolution for Abductive Temporal Reasoning

14 years 7 months ago
Using Constrained Resolution for Abductive Temporal Reasoning
We describe in this article an abductive procedure based on a constrained resolution principle. The choice of constrained resolution is motivated by the whish to gain full advantage of using rei ed temporal logics. For this purpose, it is interesting to deal e ciently with temporal ordering and equality relation between instants. The constrained resolution principle described here is a solution to this point. It is an instance of the more general constrained resolution principleof H.J.Burckert. It also relies on the work done in the area of temporal constraint propagation. For the purpose of temporalreasoning it is also necessary to cope with temporal persistency of known and deduced facts. This point is solved by handling persistency in an abductive fashion.
Nicolas Chleq
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where TIME
Authors Nicolas Chleq
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