

Using Dynamic Multiresolution Modelling to Analyze Large Material Flow Systems

14 years 3 months ago
Using Dynamic Multiresolution Modelling to Analyze Large Material Flow Systems
The interactive, simulation-aided analysis of material flow systems is often done with the help of virtual reality. If a user wants to influence the simulation run, the simulation and the visualization have to be computed simultaneously. Large, detailed simulation models, which can not be calculated fast enough, can not be analyzed interactively. This paper presents a method which only computes those parts of simulation models that are visited by the user. If a user shifts its attention, the area being simulated in detail is updated. Since the major part of the simulation is not detailed, the necessary calculating complexity is reduced. On the basis of models allowing a multiresolution simulation methods are introduced which regulate the level of detail based on the evaluation of the user's attention. Changing the levels of details leads to the exchange of models with different level of details.
Wilhelm Dangelmaier, Bengt Mueck
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSC
Authors Wilhelm Dangelmaier, Bengt Mueck
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