

Using extracellular action potential recordings to constrain compartmental models

14 years 10 days ago
Using extracellular action potential recordings to constrain compartmental models
Abstract We investigate the use of extracellular action potential (EAP) recordings for biophysically faithful compartmental models. We ask whether constraining a model to fit the EAP is superior to matching the intracellular action potential (IAP). In agreement with previous studies, we find that the IAP method under-constrains the parameters. As a result, significantly different sets of parameters can have virtually identical IAP’s. In contrast, the EAP method results in a much tighter constraint. We find that the distinguishing characteristics of the waveform—but not its amplituderesulting from the distribution of active conductances are fairly invariant to changes of electrode position and detailed cellular morphology. Based on these results, we conclude that EAP recordings are an excellent source of data for the purpose of constraining compartmental models. Keywords Compartmental model · Extracellular recording · Model constraint · CA1 · Pyramidal neuron · Neuron simul...
Carl Gold, Darrell A. Henze, Christof Koch
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JCNS
Authors Carl Gold, Darrell A. Henze, Christof Koch
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