

Using Model Checking for Analyzing Distributed Power Control Problems

13 years 10 months ago
Using Model Checking for Analyzing Distributed Power Control Problems
Model checking (MC) is a formal verification technique which has known and still knows a resounding success in the computer science community. Realizing that the distributed power control (PC) problem can be modeled by a timed game between a given transmitter and its environment the authors wanted to know whether this approach can be applied to distributed PC. It turns out that it can be applied successfully and allows one to analyze realistic scenarii including the case of discrete transmit powers and games with incomplete information. The proposed methodology is as follows. We state some objectives a transmitter-receiver pair would like to reach. The network is modeled by a game where transmitters are considered as timed automata interacting with each other. The objectives are then translated into timed alternating-time temporal logic formulae and MC is exploited to know whether the desired properties are verified and determine a winning strategy.
Thomas Brihaye, Marc Jungers, Samson Lasaulce, Nic
Added 17 May 2011
Updated 17 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Thomas Brihaye, Marc Jungers, Samson Lasaulce, Nicolas Markey, Ghassan Oreiby
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