

Using Perturbation Theory to Compute the Morphological Similarity of Diffusion Tensors

14 years 3 months ago
Using Perturbation Theory to Compute the Morphological Similarity of Diffusion Tensors
Computing the morphological similarity of diffusion tensors (DTs) at neighboring voxels within a DT image, or at corresponding locations across different DT images, is a fundamental and ubiquitous operation in the postprocessing of DT images. The morphological similarity of DTs typically has been computed using either the principal directions (PDs) of DTs (i.e., the direction along which water molecules diffuse preferentially) or their tensor elements. Although comparing PDs allows the similarity of one morphological feature of DTs to be visualized directly in eigenspace, this method takes into account only a single eigenvector, and it is therefore sensitive to the presence of noise in the images that can introduce error intothe estimation of that vector. Although comparing tensor elements, rather than PDs, is comparatively more robust to the effects of noise, the individual elements of a given tensor do not directly reflect the diffusion properties of water molecules. We propose a mea...
Ravi Bansal, Lawrence H. Staib, Dongrong Xu, Andre
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TMI
Authors Ravi Bansal, Lawrence H. Staib, Dongrong Xu, Andrew F. Laine, Jason Royal, Bradley S. Peterson
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