

Using simulation for manufacturing process reengineering: a practical case study

14 years 4 months ago
Using simulation for manufacturing process reengineering: a practical case study
This paper presents a simulation study carried out to solve a problem of manufacturing process reengineering. The specific company in which the study took place is a medium size manufacturer of chest freezers, which required an in-depth analysis of its manufacturing operations in an attempt to increase its throughput and overall productivity. A simulation model of the current manufacturing system was developed to ascertain its limitations and problems. The relevant operational performance measures were analyzed in order to allow for the proposal of a set of changes to the actual manufacturing operations. In order to support the decision process concerned with the implementation of the suggested changes, these were included in the simulation model. The outcome of the simulation study was taken into account by the decision-makers and the recommendations are being implemented.
Lisete Silva, Ana Luisa Ramos, Pedro M. Vilarinho
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where WSC
Authors Lisete Silva, Ana Luisa Ramos, Pedro M. Vilarinho
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