

Using twinning to adapt programs to alternative APIs

14 years 5 months ago
Using twinning to adapt programs to alternative APIs
We describe twinning and its applications to adapting programs to alternative APIs. Twinning is a simple technique that allows programmers to specify a class of program changes, in the form of a mapping, without modifying the target program directly. Using twinning, programmers can specify changes that transition a program from using one API to using an alternative API. We describe two related mapping-based source-to-source transformations. The first applies the mapping to a program, producing a copy with the changes applied. The secrates a new API that abstracts the changes specified in the mapping. Using this API, programmers can invoke either the old (replaced) code or the new (replacement) code through a single interface. Managing program variants usually involves heavyweight tasks that can prevent the program from compiling for extended periods of time, as well as simultaneous maintenance of multiple implementations, which can make it easy to forget to add features or to fix b...
Marius Nita, David Notkin
Added 19 Jul 2010
Updated 19 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ICSE
Authors Marius Nita, David Notkin
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