

Using Visitor Patterns in Object-Oriented Action Semantics

14 years 3 months ago
Using Visitor Patterns in Object-Oriented Action Semantics
Abstract: Object-Oriented Action Semantics is a semantic framework for the definition of programming languages. The framework incorporates some object-oriented concepts to the Action Semantics formalism. Its main goal is to obtain more readable and reusable semantic specifications. ObjectOriented Action Semantics provides support for the definition of syntax-independent specifications, due to the way its classes are written. In a previous work, a library of classes (called LFL) was developed to improve specification reuse and to provide a way to describe semantic concepts, independent from the syntax of the programming language. This paper aims to address some problematic aspects of LFL, and presents a case study, where a specification is built by using the Visitor Pattern technique. The use of this pattern allows a clear separation between the syntax of a programming language and its different semantic aspects. Key Words: formal semantics, action semantics, object-oriented spec...
André Murbach Maidl, Cláudio Carvilh
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JUCS
Authors André Murbach Maidl, Cláudio Carvilhe, Martin A. Musicante
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