

Using VRML to share large volumes of complex 3D geoscientific information via the Web

14 years 6 months ago
Using VRML to share large volumes of complex 3D geoscientific information via the Web
Scientists within Geoscience Australia (GA) create complex 3D models of geological structures, using specialised 3D modelling software. Very few people outside GA have access to this specialised software. To provide clients and stakeholders with access to 3D information GA has developed VRML-HTMLJavaScript interfaces. These interfaces allow GA to share large volumes of complex 3D geological information via the Web, with data volumes up to 22 MB. A number of methods are employed to allow users to interact with such large amounts of data. The geometric features within VRML are used to represent a wide range of geological features. The interfaces are user friendly and provide users with a high level of interaction with the complex information. CCS: J.2 [Physical Sciences and Engineering]: Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
David Beard
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where VRML
Authors David Beard
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