

Using Wikipedia categories for compact representations of chemical documents

13 years 11 months ago
Using Wikipedia categories for compact representations of chemical documents
Today, Web pages are usually accessed using text search engines, whereas documents stored in the deep Web are accessed through domain-specific Web portals. These portals rely on external knowledge bases, respectively ontologies, mapping documents to more general concepts allowing for suitable classifications and navigational browsing. Since automatically generated ontologies are still not satisfactory for advanced information retrieval tasks, most portals heavily rely on hand-crafted domain-specific ontologies. This, however, also leads to high creation and maintaining costs. On the other hand, a freely available community maintained, if somewhat general, knowledge base is offered by Wikipedia. During the last years the coverage of Wikipedia has reached a large pool of information including articles from almost all domains. In this paper, we investigate the use of Wikipedia categories to describe the content of chemical documents in a compact form. We compare the results to the domain...
Benjamin Köhncke, Wolf-Tilo Balke
Added 24 Jan 2011
Updated 24 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CIKM
Authors Benjamin Köhncke, Wolf-Tilo Balke
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