

Utility Max-Min Fair Congestion Control with Time-Varying Delays

14 years 7 months ago
Utility Max-Min Fair Congestion Control with Time-Varying Delays
Abstract—We present a framework for designing delayindependent end-to-end congestion control algorithms, where each end-user may have a different utility function. We only require that utility functions are strictly increasing. In this framework, we design an algorithm that maximizes the minimum utility value in the network, that is, the resulting resource allocation is utility max-min fair. To achieve this, we first extend the congestion control algorithm EMKC proposed by Zhang et al. [1], which aims at max-min fair bandwidth allocation. Our extension (XMKC) allows for arbitrary rate allocations in the steady state. We investigate XMKC analytically and prove local asymptotic stability with heterogeneous time-varying feedback delays in multi-link networks and global asymptotic stability with homogeneous time-varying feedback delays in single-link networks. Then, we propose UMKC (Utility Max-Min Fair Kelly Control), which achieves utility max-min fairness in its steady state. Based o...
Konstantin Miller, Tobias Harks
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Konstantin Miller, Tobias Harks
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