

Utilizing Passage-Based Language Models for Document Retrieval

14 years 5 months ago
Utilizing Passage-Based Language Models for Document Retrieval
Abstract. We show that several previously proposed passage-based document ranking principles, along with some new ones, can be derived from the same probabilistic model. We use language models to instantiate specific algorithms, and propose a passage language model that integrates information from the ambient document to an extent controlled by the estimated document homogeneity. Several document-homogeneity measures that we propose yield passage language models that are more effective than the standard passage model for basic document retrieval and for constructing and utilizing passage-based relevance models; the latter outperform a document-based relevance model. We also show that the homogeneity measures are effective means for integrating documentquery and passage-query similarity information for document retrieval.
Michael Bendersky, Oren Kurland
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ECIR
Authors Michael Bendersky, Oren Kurland
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