

The Value Relevance of Information Technology Investment Announcements: Incorporating Industry Strategic IT Role

14 years 5 months ago
The Value Relevance of Information Technology Investment Announcements: Incorporating Industry Strategic IT Role
: This research note both confirms and extends the value relevance of information technology announcements found by Im et al (2001) and Dos Santos et al. (1993). We extend their work proposing an overarching construct, the strategic IT role in an industry, accounts for the factors previously found to affect the stock market response to IT announcements. These results provide support for the value of capturing the nature of an industry’s IT-related competitive maneuvering in studies striving to understand the conditions under which IT investments are likely to produce out-ofthe-ordinary, positive returns. Does information technology (IT) pay off? Increasingly, the evidence suggests the answer is yes but only when the IT investment scenario is well targeted, well timed and accompanied with complementary investments and actions (Barua and Mukhopadhyay, 2000). The salient question, then, is not “Does IT pay off?” but rather “Under what conditions does IT pay off?” This note seeks...
Vernon J. Richardson, Robert W. Zmud
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Vernon J. Richardson, Robert W. Zmud
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