We presen t a multiview method for the computation of object shape and re ectance characteristics based on the integration of shape from shading (SFS) and stereo, for nonconstan talbedo and non-uniformly Lambertian surfaces. First we perform stereo tting on the input stereo pairs or image sequences. When the images are uncalibrated, w e recover the camera parameters using bundle adjustment. Based on the stereo result, we can automatically segment the albedo map (which is taken to be piece-wise constant) using a Minimum Description Length (MDL) based metric, to identify areas suitable for SFS (typically smooth textureless areas) and to deriv e illuminationinformation. The shape and the illumination parameter estimates are re ned using a deformable model SFS algorithm, which iterates bet w een computing shape and illumination parameters. Our method takes into accoun tthe viewing angle dependent foreshortening and specularity e ects, and compensates as much as possible by utilizing infor...
Dimitris Samaras, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Pascal Fua,