

Vascular Segmentation in Three-Dimensional Rotational Angiography Based on Maximum Intensity Projections

15 years 16 days ago
Vascular Segmentation in Three-Dimensional Rotational Angiography Based on Maximum Intensity Projections
Three-dimensional rotational angiography (3D-RA) is a relatively new and promising technique for imaging blood vessels. In this paper, we propose a novel 3D-RA vascular segmentation algorithm, which is fully automatic and very computationally efficient, based on the maximum intensity projections (MIP) of 3D-RA images. Validation results on 13 clinical 3D-RA datasets reveal that, according to the agreement between the segmentation results and the ground truth, our method (a) outperforms both the Maximum a posteriori-expectation maximization (MAP-EM)-based method and the MAP-Markov random field (MAP-MRF)-based segmentation method, and (b) works comparably to the optimal global thresholding method. Experimental results also show that our method can successfully segment major vascular structures in 3D-RA and produce a lower false positive rate than that of the MAP-EMbased and MAP-MRF-based methods.
Rui Gan, Albert C. S. Chung, Wilbur C. K. Wong, Si
Added 20 Nov 2009
Updated 20 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ISBI
Authors Rui Gan, Albert C. S. Chung, Wilbur C. K. Wong, Simon C. H. Yu
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