

VCode and VData: illustrating a new framework for supporting the video annotation workflow

14 years 6 months ago
VCode and VData: illustrating a new framework for supporting the video annotation workflow
Digital tools for annotation of video have the promise to provide immense value to researchers in disciplines ranging from psychology to ethnography to computer science. With traditional methods for annotation being cumbersome, time-consuming, and frustrating, technological solutions are situated to aid in video annotation by increasing reliability, repeatability, and workflow optimizations. Three notable limitations of existing video annotation tools are lack of support for the annotation workflow, poor representation of data on a timeline, and poor interaction techniques with video, data, and annotations. This paper details a set of design requirements intended to enhance video annotation. Our framework is grounded in existing literature, interviews with experienced coders, and ongoing discussions with researchers in multiple disciplines. Our model is demonstrated in a new system called VCode and VData. The benefit of our system is that is directly addresses the workflow and needs o...
Joey Hagedorn, Joshua M. Hailpern, Karrie Karahali
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AVI
Authors Joey Hagedorn, Joshua M. Hailpern, Karrie Karahalios
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