

Verification and Synthesis of OCL Constraints Via Topology Analysis

14 years 7 months ago
Verification and Synthesis of OCL Constraints Via Topology Analysis
On the basis of a case-study, we demonstrate the usefulness of topology invariants for model-driven systems development. Considering a graph grammar semantics for a relevant fragment of UML, where a graph represents an object diagram, allows us to apply Topology Analyarticular abstract interpretation of graph grammars. The outcome of this analysis is a finite and concise over-approximation of all possible reachable object diagrams, the so-called topology invariant. We discuss how topology invariants can be used to verify that constraints on a given model are respected by the behaviour and how they can be viewed as synthesised constraints providing insight into the dynamic behaviour of the model.
Jörg Bauer, Werner Damm, Tobe Toben, Bernd We
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Jörg Bauer, Werner Damm, Tobe Toben, Bernd Westphal
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