

Verification of an Implementation of Tomasulo's Algorithm by Compositional Model Checking

14 years 4 months ago
Verification of an Implementation of Tomasulo's Algorithm by Compositional Model Checking
An implementation of an out-of-order processing unit based on Tomasulo's algorithm is formally verified using compositional model checking techniques. This demonstrates that finite-state methods can be applied to such algorithms, without recourse to higher-order proof systems. The paper introduces a novel compositional system that supports nvironment reasoning and multiple environment abstractions per signal. A proof of Tomasulo's algorithm is outlined, based on refinement maps, and relying on the novel features of the compositional system. This proof is fully verified by the SMV verifier, using symmetry to reduce the number of assertions that must be verified.
Kenneth L. McMillan
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where CAV
Authors Kenneth L. McMillan
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