

Verification-Oriented Behavioral Modeling of Non-Linear Analog

14 years 5 months ago
Verification-Oriented Behavioral Modeling of Non-Linear Analog
In this work, an approach to the `verification-oriented' modeling of the analog parts' behavior of mixed-signal circuits is presented. Starting from a continuous-time, continuousvalued behavioral representation of an analog part in terms of an differential-algebraic equation system, a discretetime, discrete-valued behavioral model is derived. This kind of model both captures dynamic aspects of the analog behavior and can be implemented using the synthesizable subset of a hardware description language like VHDL. With the help of the proposed approach, the continuous-time, continuous-valued analog parts' behavioral descriptions can be replaced by digital models leading to a verificationoriented model of the underlying mixed-signal circuit. The resulting model can be formally verified using established methods and tools from formal digital verification.
Martin Freibothe, Jens Doege, Torsten Coym, Stefan
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where FDL
Authors Martin Freibothe, Jens Doege, Torsten Coym, Stefan Ludwig, Bernd Straube, Ernst Kock
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