

Verifying Secrets and Relative Secrecy

14 years 6 months ago
Verifying Secrets and Relative Secrecy
Systems that authenticate a user based on a shared secret (such as a password or PIN) normally allow anyone to query whether the secret is a given value. For example, an ATM machine allows one to ask whether a string is the secret PIN of a (lost or stolen) ATM card. Yet such queries are prohibited in any model whose programs satisfy an informationflow property like Noninterference. But there is complexitybased justification for allowing these queries. A type system is given that provides the access control needed to prove that no well-typed program can leak secrets in polynomial time, or even leak them with nonnegligible probability if secrets are of sufficient length and randomly chosen. However, there are well-typed deterministic programs in a synchronous concurrent model capable of leaking secrets in linear time.
Dennis M. Volpano, Geoffrey Smith
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where POPL
Authors Dennis M. Volpano, Geoffrey Smith
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