

A Version Control Tool for Framework-based Applications

14 years 13 days ago
A Version Control Tool for Framework-based Applications
Framework based application development is increasingly being adopted by software organizations. Frameworks provide reuse of both software design and code, and supply more trustable applications, as the components used to implement them have been previously tested. However, version control is more problematic than in conventional software development, as it is necessary to control both the framework versions and the versions of the applications created with it. Furthermore, aiming to minimize the impact of system requirement changes, framework based software development and reengineering processes adopt the incremental approach, which is a “must” in agile methodologies. This approach makes easier to fulfill requests for system requirements change at any time during the process application. In that context, there is a lack of tools that support version control of applications created with frameworks. This paper presents a tool that aims to aid in the fulfillment of that need, con...
Maria Istela Cagnin, Rosana T. V. Braga, Rosangela
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Maria Istela Cagnin, Rosana T. V. Braga, Rosangela Penteado, Fernão Stella R. Germano, José Carlos Maldonado
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