

Vertex-coloring edge-weightings: Towards the 1-2-3-conjecture

14 years 1 months ago
Vertex-coloring edge-weightings: Towards the 1-2-3-conjecture
Abstract. A weighting of the edges of a graph is called vertexcoloring if the weighted degrees of the vertices yield a proper coloring of the graph. In this paper we show that such a weighting is possible from the weight set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} for all graphs not containing components with exactly 2 vertices. All graphs in this note are finite and simple. For notation not defined here we refer the reader to [3]. For some k ∈ N, let ω : E(G) → {1, 2, . . . , k} be an integer weighting of the edges of a graph G. This weighting is called vertex-coloring if the weighted degrees ω(v) = u∈N(v) ω(uv) of the vertices yield a proper vertex-coloring of the graph. It is easy to see that for every graph which does not have a component isomorphic to K2 , there exists such a weighting for some k. In 2002, Karo´nski, Luczak and Thomason (see [4]) conjectured that such a weighting with k = 3 is possible for all such graphs (k = 2 is not sufficient as seen for instance in complete graphs and cy...
Maciej Kalkowski, Michal Karonski, Florian Pfender
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JCT
Authors Maciej Kalkowski, Michal Karonski, Florian Pfender
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