

A vertex incremental approach for maintaining chordality

14 years 18 days ago
A vertex incremental approach for maintaining chordality
For a chordal graph G = (V, E), we study the problem of whether a new vertex u V and a given set of edges between u and vertices in V can be added to G so that the resulting graph remains chordal. We show how to resolve this efficiently, and at the same time, if the answer is no, specify a maximal subset of the proposed edges that can be added along with u, or conversely, a minimal set of extra edges that can be added in addition to the given set, so that the resulting graph is chordal. In order to do this, we give a new characterization of chordal graphs and, for each potential new edge uv, a characterization of the set of edges incident to u that also must be added to G along with uv. We propose a data structure that can compute and add each such set in O(n) time. Based on these results, we present an algorithm that computes both a minimal triangulation and a maximal chordal subgraph of an arbitrary input graph in O(nm) time, using a totally new vertex incremental approach. In cont...
Anne Berry, Pinar Heggernes, Yngve Villanger
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where DM
Authors Anne Berry, Pinar Heggernes, Yngve Villanger
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