

VHDL-AMS Implementation of a Numerical Ballistic CNT Model for Logic Circuit Simulation

14 years 8 months ago
VHDL-AMS Implementation of a Numerical Ballistic CNT Model for Logic Circuit Simulation
—This paper introduces a novel numerical carbon nanotube transistor (CNT) modelling approach which brings in a flexible and efficient cubic spline non-linear approximation of the non-equilibrium mobile charge density. The spline algorithm creates a rapid and accurate solution of the numerical relationship between the charge density and the self-consistent voltage, which leads to the speed-up of deriving the current through the channel without losing much accuracy. This modelling method also allows the flexibility of choosing different cubic spline intervals which may affect the performance of the model, but it is still capable of obtaining an acceleration of more than a 100 times while maintaining the accuracy within less than
Dafeng Zhou, Tom J. Kazmierski, Bashir M. Al-Hashi
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where FDL
Authors Dafeng Zhou, Tom J. Kazmierski, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi
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