

Video-based Metrology of Water Droplet Spreading on Nanostructured Surfaces

14 years 6 months ago
Video-based Metrology of Water Droplet Spreading on Nanostructured Surfaces
Dynamic wettability of a nanostructured surface is an important property for many liquid-related applications of nanostructures. The dynamic wettability analysis is performed by measuring the evolution of the precursor (outer rim) contour of a water droplet as it spreads on a nanostructured surface. A video-based metrological system based on the snake active contour model which is capable of precisely tracking the precursor contour of a spreading water droplet in a high frame-rate video is developed. The radius of the precursor contour is empirically observed to obey a power law with respect to time. Experiments show reasonable agreement between the results of the metrological system and those obtained via manual measurement.
Samuel Cheng, Xingzhi Luo, Suchendra M. Bhandarkar
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WACV
Authors Samuel Cheng, Xingzhi Luo, Suchendra M. Bhandarkar, J. Fan, Y. Zhao
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