

Video copy detection: a comparative study

14 years 9 months ago
Video copy detection: a comparative study
This paper presents a comparative study of methods for video copy detection. Different state-of-the-art techniques, using various kinds of descriptors and voting functions, are described: global video descriptors, based on spatial and temporal features; local descriptors based on spatial, temporal as well as spatio-temporal information. Robust voting functions is adapted to these techniques to enhance their performance and to compare them. Then, a dedicated framework for evaluating these systems is proposed. All the techniques are tested and compared within the same framework, by evaluating their robustness under single and mixed image transformations, as well as for different lengths of video segments. We discuss the performance of each approach according to the transformations and the applications considered. Local methods demonstrate their superior performance over the global ones, when detecting video copies subjected to various transformations. Categories and Subject Descriptor...
Julien Law-To, Li Chen, Alexis Joly, Ivan Laptev,
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CIVR
Authors Julien Law-To, Li Chen, Alexis Joly, Ivan Laptev, Olivier Buisson, Valérie Gouet-Brunet, Nozha Boujemaa, Fred Stentiford
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