

The Videomouse: A Camera-Based Multi-degree-of-freedom Input Device

14 years 4 months ago
The Videomouse: A Camera-Based Multi-degree-of-freedom Input Device
The VideoMouse is a mouse that uses a camera as its input sensor. A real-time vision algorithm determines the six degree-of-freedom mouse posture, consisting of 2D motion, tilt in the forward/back and left/right axes, rotation of the mouse about its vertical axis, and some limited height sensing. Thus, a familiar 2D device can be extended for three-dimensional manipulation, while remaining suitable for standard 2D GUI tasks. We describe techniques for mouse functionality, 3D manipulation, navigating large 2D spaces, and using the camera for lightweight scanning tasks. Keywords Input devices, interaction techniques, multi-degree-offreedom input, rotation, tilt sensing, camera-based input
Ken Hinckley, Mike Sinclair, Erik Hanson, Richard
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where UIST
Authors Ken Hinckley, Mike Sinclair, Erik Hanson, Richard Szeliski, Matthew Conway
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