

View-dependent precomputed light transport using nonlinear Gaussian function approximations

14 years 6 months ago
View-dependent precomputed light transport using nonlinear Gaussian function approximations
We propose a real-time method for rendering rigid objects with complex view-dependent effects under distant all-frequency lighting. Existing precomputed light transport approaches can render rich global illumination effects, but high-frequency view-dependent effects such as sharp highlights remain a challenge. We introduce a new representation of the light transport operator based on sums of Gaussians. The nonlinear parameters of our representation enable 1) arbitrary bandwidth because scale is encoded as a direct parameter, and 2) high-quality interpolation across view and mesh triangles because we interpolate the mean direction of the Gaussians, thereby preventing linear cross-fading artifacts. However, fitting the precomputed light transport data to this new representation requires solving a nonlinear regression problem that is more involved than traditional linear and nonlinear (truncation) approximation techniques. We present a new data fitting method based on optimization that...
Paul Green, Jan Kautz, Wojciech Matusik, Fré
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where SI3D
Authors Paul Green, Jan Kautz, Wojciech Matusik, Frédo Durand
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