

Viope as a Tool for Teaching Introductory Programming: An Empirical Investigation

14 years 3 months ago
Viope as a Tool for Teaching Introductory Programming: An Empirical Investigation
In this paper we describe the use of a tool from Viope for teaching introductory programming. We have noticed in our previous courses that the students often have trouble connecting the small classroom exercises with the larger laboratory projects. This tool allows the students to get extra practice with those concepts to help ensure they are understood. In this study data was collected using a survey. We surveyed students at the end of a semester in which the tool was not used to gather information about where the tool might be useful. Then we had students in a second semester use the tool and complete a similar survey. The results of our study showed that while there were some consistent complaints about the tool, overall the students found it useful enough to indicate they would like to use something similar in later semesters.
Jeffrey C. Carver, Lisa Henderson
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CSEE
Authors Jeffrey C. Carver, Lisa Henderson
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