

The Virtual Director: a Correlation-Based Online Viewing of Human Motion

14 years 9 months ago
The Virtual Director: a Correlation-Based Online Viewing of Human Motion
Automatic camera control for scenes depicting human motion is an imperative topic in motion capture base animation, computer games, and other animation based fields. This challenging control problem is complex and combines both geometric constraints, visibility requirements, and aesthetic elements. Therefore, existing optimizationbased approaches for human action overview are often too demanding for online computation. In this paper, we introduce an effective automatic camera control which is extremely efficient and allows online performance. Rather than optimizing a complex quality measurement, at each time it selects one active camera from a multitude of cameras that render the dynamic scene. The selection is based on the correlation between each view stream and the human motion in the scene. Two factors allow for rapid selection among tens of candidate views in real-time, even for complex multi-character scenes: the efficient rendering of the multitude of view streams, and optim...
Jackie Assa, Lior Wolf, Daniel Cohen-Or
Added 11 Mar 2010
Updated 15 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Jackie Assa, Lior Wolf, Daniel Cohen-Or
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