

Virtual Information Towers-A Metaphor for Intuitive, Location-Aware Information Access in a Mobile Environment

14 years 6 months ago
Virtual Information Towers-A Metaphor for Intuitive, Location-Aware Information Access in a Mobile Environment
This paper introduces Virtual Information Towers (VITs) as a concept for presenting and accessing location-aware information with mobile clients. A VIT is a means of structuring location-aware information, which is assigned to a certain geographical position while having a certain area of visibility. A user equipped with a mobile, wearable computer has access to the VITs which are "visible" from his/her current location. The architecture and protocols of a system are described, which allows its users to create VITs and to access the information on them using Internet mechanisms. We have implemented a prototype of this system and a VIT client for a wearable computer and will present some aspects of this implementation.
Alexander Leonhardi, Uwe Kubach, Kurt Rothermel, A
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ISWC
Authors Alexander Leonhardi, Uwe Kubach, Kurt Rothermel, Andreas Fritz
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