

Virtual Organizations in Arigatoni

14 years 3 months ago
Virtual Organizations in Arigatoni
Arigatoni is a lightweight overlay network that deploys the Global Computing Paradigm over the Internet. Communication for over the behavioral units of the overlay is performed by a simple resource discovery protocol (RDP). Basic Global Computers Units (GC) can communicate by first registering to a brokering service and then by mutually asking and offering services. Colonies and communities are the main entities in the model. A colony is a simple virtual organization composed by exactly one leader and some set (possibly empty) of individuals. A community is a raw set of colonies and global computers (think it as a soup of colonies and global computer without a leader). We present an operational semantics via a labeled transition system, that describes the main operations necessary in the Arigatoni model to perform leader negotiation, joining/leaving a colony, linking two colonies and moving one GC from one colony to another. Our formalization results to be adequate w.r.t. the algorit...
Michel Cosnard, Luigi Liquori, Raphaël Chand
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Michel Cosnard, Luigi Liquori, Raphaël Chand
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