

Virtual Patients for Clinical Therapist Skills Training

14 years 6 months ago
Virtual Patients for Clinical Therapist Skills Training
Virtual humans offer an exciting and powerful potential for rich interactive experiences. Fully embodied virtual humans are growing in capability, ease, and utility. As a result, they present an opportunity for expanding research into burgeoning virtual patient medical applications. In this paper we consider the ways in which one may go about building and applying virtual human technology to the virtual patient domain. Specifically we aim to show that virtual human technology may be used to help develop the interviewing and diagnostics skills of developing clinicians. Herein we proffer a description of our iterative design process and preliminary results to show that virtual patients may be a useful adjunct to psychotherapy education.
Patrick G. Kenny, Thomas D. Parsons, Jonathan Grat
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IVA
Authors Patrick G. Kenny, Thomas D. Parsons, Jonathan Gratch, Anton Leuski, Albert A. Rizzo
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