

Virtual Reality: Its Usefulness for Ergonomic Analysis

14 years 1 months ago
Virtual Reality: Its Usefulness for Ergonomic Analysis
This paper presents the results of an effort to compare results of an experiment performed in both a virtual and a real environment. The research question addressed is if virtual reality is a suitable tool for performing ergonomic analysis. The subjects performed a palletizing task in the virtual environment and then performed the same task in the real environment. The results showed that VR can be compared to a similar experimental task in the real environment if it involves measuring only range of movements and no velocities or accelerations. This paper presents these results using a lumbar motion monitor and proposes areas for future improvement and research.
Lawrence E. Whitman, Michael Jorgensen, Kuresh Hat
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSC
Authors Lawrence E. Whitman, Michael Jorgensen, Kuresh Hathiyari, Don Malzahn
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