

Virtual Rheoscopic Fluids

13 years 10 months ago
Virtual Rheoscopic Fluids
— We present a visualization technique for simulated fluid dynamics data that visualizes the gradient of the velocity field in an intuitive way. Our work is inspired by rheoscopic particles, which are small, flat particles that, when suspended in fluid, align themselves with the shear of the flow. We adopt the physical principles of real rheoscopic particles and apply them, in model form, to 3D velocity fields. By simulating the behavior and reflectance of these particles we are able to render 3D simulations in a way that gives insight into the dynamics of the system. The results can be rendered in real-time, allowing the user to inspect the simulation from all perspectives. We achieve this by a combination of pre-computations and fast ray-tracing on the GPU. We demonstrate our method on several different simulations, showing their complex dynamics in the process.
Florian Hecht, Peter J. Mucha, Greg Turk
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TVCG
Authors Florian Hecht, Peter J. Mucha, Greg Turk
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